Robert D. Kaplan

Robert D. Kaplan

Author. Foreign Correspondent. Geopolitics.

Robert D. Kaplan - Waste Land

Waste Land:
A World in Permanent Crisis


"A compelling, stark, critically important book that conveys the urgency of the present moment and the unprecedented challenges that face mankind . . . Once again, Robert D. Kaplan has brilliantly distilled an exceedingly complex set of issues that have to be resolved. And once again he has impressively consulted history to provide prescriptions to help us navigate the ongoing conflicts, security dilemmas, great power rivalries, health crises, environmental issues, and other looming difficulties. Waste Land solidifies Kaplan’s reputation as one of the truly masterful observers and thinkers of our time!" - General David Petraeus, US Army (Ret), former Commander of the Surge in Iraq, US Central Command, and Coalition Forces in Afghanistan, and former Director of the CIA

Articles by Robert D. Kaplan

Appearing in The Atlantic Monthly

"How Islam Created Europe" May, 2016.

"The Art of Avoiding War" June, 2015.

"Warming to Iran" January/February, 2015

"In Defense of Empire" April, 2014

"In Defense of Henry Kissinger" May, 2013

"Being There" November, 2012

"The Vietnam Solution June, 2012

"Why John J. Mearsheimer is Right (About Some Things) January/February, 2012

"Living with a Nuclear Iran" September, 2010

"Man Vs. Afghanistan" April, 2010

"Why I Love al Jazeera” October, 2009

"Buddha’s Savage Peace” September, 2009

"Pakistan’s Fatal Shore” May, 2009

"India’s New Face” April, 2009

"Lifting the Bamboo Curtain” September, 2008

"What Rumsfeld Got Right” July/August, 2008

"Oh! Kolkata” April, 2008

"Waterworld” Jan/Feb. 2008

"America’s Elegant Decline” November, 2007

"The Plane That would Bomb Iran” September, 2007

"A Historian for Our Time” Jan/Feb. 2007

"When North Korea Falls” October, 2006

"Hunting the Taliban in Las Vegas” September, 2006

"Colonel Cross of the Ghurkas” May, 2006.

"The Coming Normalcy” April, 2006

"Imperial Grunts” October 2005.

"How We Would Fight China”  June, 2005

"America’s African Rifles” April, 2005.

"At the Gates of Brussels” December, 2004.

"The Media and The Military” November, 2004.  

"Five Days in Fallujah” July/August, 2004.

"The Man who Would be Khan” March, 2004.

"The Holy Mountain” December, 2003.

"The Story of A War” November, 2003.

"Supremacy by Stealth”  July/August, 2003, Cover Story.

"Euphorias of Hatred: Gogol's Taras Bulba" May, 2003

"A Tale of Two Colonies: Yemen and Eritrea" April, 2003

"The Post-Saddam Middle East" November, 2002.

"The World in 2005" March, 2002.

"Looking the World in the Eye: Profile of a Harvard Professor" December, 2001.

"Roman Africa" June, 2001.

"Where Europe Vanishes" November, 2000.

"The Lawless Frontier" September, 2000.

"Return to Ancient Times" June, 2000.

"What Makes History" March, 2000.

"Israel Now" January, 2000.

"Four-Star Generalists” October, 1999.

"China: A World Power Again” August, 1999.

"Kissinger, Metternich, and Realism” June, 1999.

"Geneva: Heart of Starkness” January, 1999.

"Bulgaria: Hoods Against Democrats” December, 1998.

"The Fulcrum of Europe: Romania” September, 1998.

"Travels Into America’s Future: Part II” August, 1998. Cover Story.

"Travels Into America’s Future: Part I" July, 1998. Cover Story.

"History, Living and Dead” May, 1998.

"Special Intelligence” February, 1998.

"Was Democracy Just a Moment?" December, 1997. Cover Story.

"And Now for the News:” Edward Gibbon’s Decline and Fall. March, 1997.

"History Moves North: Mexico’s Destiny” February, 1997.

"Fort Leavenworth and the Eclipse of Nationhood” September, 1996.

"Proportionalism: A New Foreign Aid Strategy” August, 1996.

"Iran: A Bazaari’s World” March, 1996.

Egypt: Eaten from Within" November, 1994.

"The Coming Anarchy" Cover Story. February, 1994.

"Syria: Identity Crisis" February, 1993.

"Tales From The Bazaar" Cover Story. August, 1992.

"Central Asian Shatter Zone." April, 1992

"History's Cauldron: Macedonia." June, 1991.

"Portugal: Europe's California." May, 1991.

"Austria: Second Try," September, 1990.

"Germany: The Character Issue" May, 1990.

"Germany: The Lost Sheep," March 1990.

"The Balkans: Europe's Third World" July, 1989.

"Afghanistan: Postmortem" April, 1989.

"Afghanistan: Driven Toward God" September, 1988.

"Eritrea: The Loneliest War," July 1988.

"Kurdistan: Sons of Devils" November, 1987.

"Uganda: Starting Over," April 1987.

"Sudan: A Microcosm of Africa's Ills" April, 1986.


This is in addition to weekly online foreign affairs articles for between 2007 and 2010.


Robert D. Kaplan - THe Return of Marco Polos World

The Good American:
The Epic Life of Bob Gersony, the U.S. Government’s Greatest Humanitarian


"For anyone who has stopped believing that one person can make a difference, or that government service is still a noble calling, or that facts still matter or that the American brand can still hold fast to practical idealism, this book is the antidote to those fears." - General James N. Mattis, former Secretary of Defense

The Necessary Empire
The Necessary Empire

The Downside of Imperial Collapse

When Empires or Great Powers Fall, Chaos and War Rise